Jackson photographer

Visiting parents and their new baby at home

Someone you love has just brought a brand new little life into the world, and you can’t wait to go over to their house, and get in some new baby snuggles!! There are a few things to keep in mind before your visit. (These are just my opinions, guys.. Take them as you will. Every mom will have her own wishes based on her comfort level)

Number 1- Don’t show up unannounced! Just don’t. Contact the parents and ask for a good time to swing by… Surprise visits are never fun for a parent with a newborn, and there’s a very good chance that someone in the house is not fully clothed (:

Number 2- Respect the parents’ wishes. Do they even want visitors? You should ask this. A lot of moms feel an intense amount of pressure to entertain even when they’re getting used to an entire world of all things new. They could be overwhelmed (actually, they probably are).

Number 2.5- What are the parents’ rules?? Do they want you to take your shoes off at the door? Do they want you to wash your hands?? (actually, do this regardless). Do they want you to wear a mask? Do they want you to be vaccinated? Do they want you to stand outside the window and wave? They are the parents and have thought long and hard about what “rules” they want set in place for their new baby. R-E-S-P-E-C-T….yep I just sang that, I know you did too!

Numero 3- Don’t expect to be fed while you’re there. You should be feeding them, whether it be a hot meal, a freezer meal, donuts, a coffee, a tea, hot chocolate, whatever they like to eat or drink. They will be so grateful!

Number 4- If there is an older sibling, take the time to spend a few minutes with them, either playing, reading a book, coloring, etc. New babies can throw a wrench in a toddler’s world, so make sure said toddler is feeling included while you’re there.

Number 5- Ask if you can help with housework! They may love it if you loaded their dishwasher, or folded some laundry, or even just hold the baby while they take a shower for the first time in they can’t remember when. Ask if they need a nap! Ensure that mom and dad don’t need to entertain you, and that you’d be happy to look after the baby while they catch up on some Z’s!

Bringing a human into the world is a tough job, physically, mentally, and emotionally, whether it’s the first baby or the seventh. We are all just trying to figure it out. Have a little love, a lotta grace, and just marvel at the incredibleness that is parenthood and newbornhood. :)

xx rori